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Menampilkan postingan dari 2018

Authoritarian and paternalism in Indonesian peasant cooperative: A former plantation workers’ cooperative from the 1950s to the neoliberal era

Abstraction This paper examines the dilemmas of a former plantation workers’ cooperative attempting to develop an egalitarian and self-managed agrarian community in the face of persistent military influence in Indonesian’s rural areas. These dilemmas are related to the question of how the ex-worker community shapes and is shaped by exclusionary politics as their cooperative shifts from a peasant political movement into an instrument of capitalistic relations of production. The paper focuses on an ex-plantation workers’ cooperative in West Java (Indonesia) which has been struggling since the rise of the socialist movement in the 1950s. At that time, the plantation workers occupied the former colonial rubber plantation and initiated land reform for the subsistence plots of landless households. The rest of the undistributed land was maintained as an independent cooperative owned and managed by the members under the guidance of the Indonesia Peasant Movement (GTI), a movement inspi...

Privatisasi Air Bukan Obat Mujarab

Membaca Privatizing Water: Governance Failure and the World’s Water Urban Crisis karya Karen Bakker, kita dituntun untuk menelesuri sengkarut tata pengurusan air dan diskursus seputarnya. Bagi pembaca Indonesia, buku ini menyuguhkan signifikansi privatisasi sumberdaya air di Indonesia dengan studi kasusnya tentang tapak sejarah tata pengurusan air di Jakarta. Bagi pemerhati tata pengurusan air dan teori seputarnya, elaborasi Bakker ini membukakan gambaran besar perdebatan ekologi politik tentang pengurusan air di dunia. Rentang bahasan buku ini bisa dibilang bernapas panjang dengan mengelaborasi perdebatan seputar privatisasi (dan alternatif) pengurusan air secara menyejarah dalam bingkai krisis air, pembangunan, dan urbanisasi. Kita juga diajak melacak sejarah paradigma yang menuntun beroperasinya sistem penyediaan (privatisasi) air hingga hari ini. Dari elaborasi itu, dengan disokong data-data empiris pengurusan air dari berbagai belahan dunia, Bakker menyimpulkan bahwa perdeb...